#convert picture to hex bytes! #You'll proably want to download calico from www.calicoproject.org to get the MYRO library, or modify the code to use some other simple image reading library. from Myro import * p = loadPicture("gvuLogo.gif") show(p) numSoFar = 0 ourByte = 0 aList = [128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1] for y in range(0, getHeight(p) ): for x in range(getWidth(p)-1, -1, -1): pixel = getPixel(p,x,y) if getGreen(pixel) < 128: ourByte = ourByte + aList[numSoFar] numSoFar = numSoFar + 1 if numSoFar == 8: print( hex(ourByte) +",", end="") numSoFar = 0 ourByte = 0 print( hex(ourByte) ) ourByte = 0 numSoFar = 0 print()