Ubuntu 14.04 Zoneminder PPA not showing images or videos in the web console

When you use the Ubuntu package manager to install Zoneminder on Ubuntu 14.04 using the PPA, one configuration line defaults to the wrong path. This prevents the web console from showing you videos or events, although if you configure a camera it will capture pictures from it correctly and show you them in the Zone editing tools.

Specifically, under Options->Paths you need to change PATH_ZMS to:

(adding the /zm to the front).

Error log messages look like the following:

ERR [socket_sendto( /var/run/zm/zms-299592s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory]

One other issue that could cause similar behavior is not having mod-cgi enabled in apache.

11 thoughts on “Ubuntu 14.04 Zoneminder PPA not showing images or videos in the web console

  1. I love you… I just followed a thousand topics, before finding your that just, in a line modified, corrected the thing… THANKS

  2. Ah! Same here actually! Man I had just about had it with ZoneMinder, I followed the Ubuntu 16.04 instructions from their site EXACTLY and it never would work. Just added /zm and it worked right away.

  3. thank you…this is such a popular problem for many of us, yet I have been searching forever until I found your post here. Happy new year to you.


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