I recently replaced a MakerGear hot end with a different model (MG Plus) but wanted to maintain the same connectors (used for the resistive heater and the thermocouple). The MakerGear connectors had a positive locking clip, while the JST connector that came with the MG Plus thermocouple was only friction fit.
FYI – The MakerGear hot end and Prussa Mendel kit I have use the following Molex Micro Fit 3.0 Family parts:
- The female connector (with the bump) is a Molex 0436450200 (DigiKey part number WM1845-ND).
- The male connector (with the hook that catches the bump) is a Molex 0436400201 Digi-Key part number WM1855-ND
- You will also need the associated female and male crimp connectors for the internal contacts: Molex 43030-001 tin 20-24 guage wire (DigiKey part: WM1837CT-ND CONN TERM FEMALE 20-24AWG TIN) and Molex 43031-007 tin 20-24 gauge wire male terminal (DigiKey Part: WM1841-ND WM1841-ND CONN TERM MALE 20-24AWG TIN)
( You might want to get the crimp connectors for smaller wire (higher gauge numbers) depending upon what wires your thermocouple uses, but I got 20-24 gauge for use on power connections and just soldered my thermocouple wires into them.)
The cartridge heater on the MG Plus nozzle came with enough wire to reach all the way down to my RAMPS board so I ended up only using the molex connectors for the thermocouple, and running the resistive heater wire all the way down. This left me with a set of wires going to my hot end terminating with a molex, and I eventually plan on using this for an “always on” fan for cooling the top of the hot end (as opposed to the “under RAMPS control” fan for layer cooling).